
Showing posts from August, 2019

Mother [POEM]

As the little girl grows fast , And the years go past , She brooded over the moments left behind by you…. Mother !! Lots of dilemmas , Pots of confusions , She want all of them to be straightened up by you….Mother !! As the intensity of life touches it’s height , Alone she fumbles & crosses all the hurdles out , She lamented for hours on searching for your love….Mother !! Whenever she feels blue, whenever she falls sick , Whenever she gets moisty eyes , She urges your presence….Mother !! She screams , she cries , she breaks, But again she holds it back , Only by reminiscing you….Mother !! Sometimes she wonders , If she could take you over , Before she realises the uncertainity….Mother!! She missed you , she misses you now , And further she will miss you more , As no substitute can stand over you…Mother !!                             - Shraddha Priyadarshini