An Alliance in Devotion

Friendship. It's just a simple disyllabic word, but holds a world of different meanings to different people. I don't know enough words to describe the depth of the bond that this ten letter word holds, nor will I probably ever learn. But what I do know is that despite the various versions of it existence, every single version works! When you think about it, it seems so amazing. But isn't it obvious too? I mean friendship is probably one of the few things that you can never define but at the same time, every definition is true. I admit I don't have the best luck with people, but there is nothing more amazing than seeing a smile on a familiar face after a long day. Nothing comes close to the sense of pride you feel when you realize someone sought you after a long day. So complicated but so simple. It's always all or nothing in friendship, isn't it? There are no half measures in friendship. Either they're there for you or they aren't in your life. It's either forgiveness or a loss. There's no in between in friendship. You either are a friend or you aren't. That, according to me, makes friendship either incredibly rewarding or awfully painful. There are so many great poems written for love. But I  feel like love signifies the fervent of feelings on the spectrum of friendship. After all, can you really fall in love with a person without forging a friendship with them first? A friend once told me, " if you spend enough time with a person, getting to know them, you'll eventually develop feelings for them". Love is like the next step to a very strong and special friendship. So, without friendship, we wouldn’t have the great poets today. Though I feel like we don't give enough attention or thought to the strengths of the ties between two friends. I know for a fact that a simple, small gesture from a friend can magically make you feel lighter, make your problems seem manageable and bring a huge smile on your face when just a minute ago you were damn exhausted. But the remarkable part is that it's effortless. I've come to learn that the most amazing kind of relationships usually are. In the most amazing of bonds between people, you can call them after a really long time and still pick up where you left off. Words aren’t necessary in that kind of a relationship and neither is physical proximity. The incredible thing about such a bond is that the separation bears no effect, your minds are always in sync. What’s even more wonderful is the kind of dynamic a person has with each of their friends. I’ve seen a person be extremely gentle with one while also be a  total goofball with another. A person once pointed out to me that there is nothing more interesting than watching different people interact with each other. It really is amazing watching two close friends interact with each other as well as see them interact independently with their other friends. You can definitely tell the difference, the constant ribbing among them, the kind of understanding between them that rarely needs any words, the inside jokes, the familiarity. You can see a wallflower bloom into a vibrant rose in the company of friends. You can hear ruckus laughter coming from the shy one. Friendship has the amazing ability to thaw the coldest of hearts, pry open the toughest of shells, heal the most bruised of souls, without them ever even realising and without any expectations in return. It is one of the most selfless of human exchanges. In its truest and purest forms, it has always helped us accomplish great heights. 

Our history is witness to great friends conquering the highest of peaks.Without lord Krishna’s guidance, Arjuna wouldn’t have had the courage to face his enemies head on and defeat the greatest of armies. Lord Rama would’ve never found goddess Sita without Sugreev’s help. History has always validated the immense power of friendship. ‘Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.’ I’ve heard this quote so many times, but the way I see it is that your blood has to put up with you. But your friends, they choose to put up with you, accept your neuroses, tease a smile out of you on the toughest of days, and fight your demons alongside you in whatever capacity they can, even without them realising that they’re doing it. And that, according to me is the most beautiful thing about friendship.


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