Zionax Diaries - Part I

21st November, 2012 - 18:00

The memory linked to that day is livid and clear as crystal. Little was it known that, the occurrence of a similar pattern would not repeat itself in this century. The date was a perfect palindrome when written in European Calendar format : 21/11/12; as well as it was the night of no moon, a very frequent syzygy. Not only those conjectures an event as rare as a blue moon, but also it was a day that shed enormous light on few virtues, for Zionax. A day after that was never the same again.

 It was dusk, more towards the wailing night than the eventful day. The slight onset of winter had rather mollified the harsh co-aliation of a tropical Sun and humidity of a seashore. Zionax was all set for his group-study at a study center which happened to be in one of the secluded corners of the city of Yukewa. Yukewa was a developed town, however not a city. In the soothing weather expecting the charade of group study to end within an hour, Zionax started from his home with excitement. An excitement which was not propelled by the curiosity of an inquisitive kid. It was rather a hormone propelled teenager perhaps too excited to meet his crush. That is the dichotomy of the human body; the body which has conquered all form of life to become Apex Predator of the planet, when comes to look at the desired companion, crumbles to the effect of hormones.

The onward journey was a pleasant one. While driving ahead, Zionax felt the commotion of the harsh city traffic fading giving way to the pleasant music of countryside birds chirruping and the smell of the fresh baked goods from nearby households. So engulfed in this entailing experience of the cool breeze blowing past his muffler tingling his neck, Zionax was oblivious to the bunch of peddlers enjoying the pleasant weather in their infamous way. Who knew that this small observation could have later saved lives?

Upon, reaching the center he met his buddy Abis. Abis was one hell of a teenager. He possessed the calmness of an ocean and temperament of an adult. These two traits had heightened the sense of understanding for this being who was apparently way ahead of his age; ahead enough to understand the effects hormones have on the decision making for teens. Abis wasn't a charmer. He didn't have a huge clique of friends, Zionax was his only friend. A friend made over a game of football, who would turn out to be a real friend in the game of life. The story of Abis and Zionax, was the A-Z (Abis-Zionax) of friendship. That relationship was like wine, over years it had continued to develop and increase in value. Probably we can have a series of posts on adventures of Zionax and Abis. Abis and Zionax giggle that evening over some Santa-Banta joke, the once curious teenagers try to show off their humor with. They went in giggling, as the peddler across the street kept an eerie look at the entrance of the study house.

Have you seen dogs get excited long before they can see the owner coming? They sense the person they love from miles apart, thanks to their alleviated sense of smell. Similarly, Zionax had a sharp ear. Many of his comrades had a sharp eye however, Zionax possessed the ability to uniquely determine the vehicle type from the noise of the engine and/or horn. This had a huge advantage when he was home alone and hear the noise of his parents car entering the neighborhood. He exercised that skill, as a gorgeous, adorable, graceful teenage girl named Yvette entered the premises. The smile that spread across his face was blinding. So much worth that it was almost a tell for everyone, even the teachers knew what the smile meant. Hence the hidden admiration of Zionax for Yvette was no secret for any person who knew both. It seems their relationship was of close friends, in which Zionax had clearly misunderstood every small secret that Yvette had trusted Zionax with as a spark, thus fueling his hopeless dream of being committed to her.

That being said, it was quite a shock not only for Zionax but also for all the people that revolved around the iconic duo (iconic because this combo had wreaked havoc in many departments in school), when Yvette got into an open relationship with Zephyrus. Zephyrus was everything Zionax was not. He did not care for anything, he made fun of his superiors, he did not respect anyone, his tongue was like a snake, charming on occasions and hurtful as a knife sometimes. All these things made him the popular kid and few despised him. However, there was a common ground for Zionax and Zephyrus, which was their feelings for Yvette. Yvette enjoyed the attention she got for being central to the drama. Zionax and Zephyrus had gone to various extents to prove their hormonal feelings for a girl who was soon going to change their lives. It was this evening that few incidents carve the character of these 4 vibrant teens.

Moments later, the smile on Zionax's face fades away into oblivion as he hears the engine of a motorbike revving at a distance. This noise follows a SMS tune on Yvette's cell and she excuses herself from the group, confirming Zionax's deduction that Zephyrus had come. Abis knew that the situation brought sorrow to his dearest friend, but he wanted Zionax to learn what he had learnt from his observation, that if you let anything (in this case hormones) cloud your decision making, you will get hurt. The group proceeded to read on the reason behind existence of Judiciary from Legislative and Executive branch, but all Zionax could think was what impish charm was Zephyrus used to lure Yvette. He seemed lost in his train of thoughts on what the new couple were doing. However, the noise of Zephyrus's bike zooming away and Yvette not returning for a minute or two, set all doubts aside. It was evident that the pair had gone for a joyride.

At around 19:10 when the winds had decided to change their mood from appeasing to bone cracking chilly, Zionax received a text from Yvette... Little did he know that the events that followed would be so crucial in their lives.

The SMS read:

"Please help me! They wont leave me "

It was as if someone had taken off the phone from her when she wrote that. Imagine knowing half of the story when the situation demands you to know more.

To be Continued...


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